Sunday, 25 December 2011

KitchenAid FVSFGA Fruit/Vegetable Strainer and Food Grinder for Stand Mixers

!±8± KitchenAid FVSFGA Fruit/Vegetable Strainer and Food Grinder for Stand Mixers

Brand : KitchenAid | Rate : | Price : $99.99
Post Date : Dec 25, 2011 19:38:44 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Quickly and easily strain fresh fruits and vegetables, grind fresh or cooked meat, and so much more with this combination of the fruit and vegetable strainer and food grinder attachment.

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Friday, 11 November 2011

Reading Food Labels to Control Calories and Other Nutrition Choices

!±8± Reading Food Labels to Control Calories and Other Nutrition Choices

Control Calories and Make the Best Nutrition Choices

Many people get confused as they are reading food labels. There are many tricky terms that can confuse someone who is trying to control calories, carbohydrates, protein, fiber or fat intake. If you are one of these people, don't worry. These facts will help you make better nutrition choices.

Understanding Food Terms

Here are the meanings of everyday terms used by food manufacturers. It is important to know what they mean so that you can choose your foods wisely.

FDA - FDA is an abbreviation for the Food and Drug Administration. As part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for food safety regulations. They also regulate drugs, vaccines and medical products. Usually, food labels are regulated through the FDA.

Low Calorie - The FDA defines low calorie as a food that is more than two tablespoons and does not provide more than 40 calories. Check those labels, though! Many low calorie foods are high in fat by percentage.

Reduced Calorie and Light - The FDA considers a food reduced calorie or light if the calories have been reduced by one-third over the original. Once again, these products can be high in fat.

Calorie Free - The FDA says that a product can be labeled calorie free as long as it has less than five calories per serving. If you don't consume a lot of these products it's a way to control calories.

Low Fat - The FDA considers a food low fat if it has three grams or less of fat. Watch out, though, these foods can be very high in calories and sugar.

Fat Free - Think fat free means fat free? Think again. The FDA says that if there are fewer than 0.5 grams of total fat per serving a product can be called fat free. So, that fat free product may still contain fat.

Reduced Fat - Reduced fat is regulated as a product that contains 50 percent or less fat of the original food version. It may sound good, but make sure to check the label. Even 50% less can still be more fat than you are willing to ingest.

Fiber - For a healthy diet a person needs about 25 grams of fiber per day. If you haven't been getting that much be sure to increase your daily intake gradually so your body gets used to it otherwise you may suffer from bloating and gas.

Sodium - I hate food with lots of sodium. Why? It tastes bad to me, it's probably over processed, it makes me thirsty then when I weigh myself the next day I've gained about two pounds of water weight; totally de-motivating. The only time a high sodium snack makes any sense is if I am doing a very long and strenuous workout and I need to keep the electrolytes in balance. Gatorade works as well.

How to Choose

Maybe you just want to eat something really tasty like some chocolate Milano's. In this case disregard all the label info and just go for the tastiest treat you can find but don't do this on a regular basis. Maybe limit this behavior to once per month or less.

Look at your goals for eating. Fat and calories are not the only things to consider. You need protein and fiber in your diet too. Also, check the quality of the fat in the product. Unsaturated is better than saturated. And remember that your diet should contain about 25% of the calories from fat. If you don't eat enough fat you will feel hungry and want to eat more.

Carbohydrates come in different forms too. Some are pure sugar or sugar derivatives such as high fructose corn syrup which I tend to avoid. Choose more complex carbohydrates if possible.

When comparing foods I usually pick the ones with highest fiber, high protein, low sodium and good quality fats and carbohydrates in that order. This usually results in a balanced food choice. If I just need a blast of energy in the middle of a long bike ride, then a high sucrose product or a diluted sports drink works fine.

One comment about serving size, the information printed on the label almost always refers to a single serving size. When I look at the package of nuts I think, gee, only 100 calories, nearly all from fat. However, there are eight servings in the bag. What are the chances I'm only going to eat one serving? Probably zero percent. So that means I'll probably eat at least half the bag, 400 calories from fat. Get it. Think about how much of the food you are going to eat at one time then decide.

What to Do with the Facts

As you can see, just because a food has a snappy food label on it doesn't mean that it is 100% great for your diet. Always, always check the Nutrition Facts label with an eye towards finding out the true amount of calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber and the serving size. Think about what you want out of the food you choose. You have a lot of nutritional choices within product types. Reading food labels to control calories is one way to look at it but there is much more information provided to help you make the best food choice for your current needs.

Reading Food Labels to Control Calories and Other Nutrition Choices

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Friday, 4 November 2011

Nutritional Fact Labels On Food Set To Change

!±8± Nutritional Fact Labels On Food Set To Change

After a recent study finds that America has the highest rates of obesity of all developed countries, the Food and Drug Administration has announced it will unveil alterations to the nutritional fact labels on food. The agency has been looking to revise these labels since 2003, facing down stiff opposition from those within the food industry. So don't expect a grand overhaul, but rather a shift toward more useful nutritional information on foods that millions of us eat every single day.

The changes could come as early as this year.

With obesity numbers being such a concern, making the nutrition facts label more accurate is expected to be a reliable tool that people can use to make better, healthier food choices.

The FDA are worried that current labels are not helpful enough to allow shoppers make smart choices about what they're eating, often in a single sitting, and some of the information on the labels is useless, and needs to be removed.

The FDA wants the new labels to...

- Show accurate portion sizes - e.g. a 20 ounce soda would be listed as single serving instead of the 2.5 portions it states now.

- This means calorie counts would be more accurate, and more prominent than they are now.

- Scale back the visibility of the daily % values of nutrients such as fat and salt.

- Remove the total calories from fat

Created back in 1992, the nutrition label is long overdue for an overhaul, and there is no shortage of concepts for improving it.

The University of California, Berkeley and Good Magazine brought forward a remarkable 60 original designs. Red, yellow and green, like traffic lights, was a familiar visual system used to signal if a food was good or bad. Thumbs up and thumbs down was another cue used in many of the designs. The winning concept has large blocks of color with each block representing a single ingredient in the food.

On the other side, the Grocery Manufacturers Association (a group that includes 300 top companies) representing the food industry interests has tried to convince the FDA to abandon many of the changes.

They say the 20-year-old labels are familiar to consumers and adaptable to packaging of different sizes. The industry has been successful in keeping some changes from being implemented - listing the amount of preservatives and the amount of processing food has had. Advocates worry that the manufacturers and the government agency are far too close for comfort... or meaningful change.

Others point out that it's against the food industry interests to help buyers make better choices, because this will mean they sell less product. If people are going to lose weight, after all, they'll eat less, and this isn't good business for food manufacturers.

Years ago you would have to chew 20 to 30 times per bite, today so many foods are so highly processed and so stimulating to taste buds they go down in a swish of saliva... almost like adult baby food.

Though all processing isn't bad (skim milk, lean meat and frozen veggies are examples where it's a benefit) knowing how many steps food has gone through would certainly be helpful.

Watch for more news once the FDA reveals the new nutritional fact labels.

Nutritional Fact Labels On Food Set To Change

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Monday, 24 October 2011

Waterless Cookware - The Healthy Cooking Choice

!±8± Waterless Cookware - The Healthy Cooking Choice

Stainless steel waterless cookware is rapidly attracting a wide and informed audience-the choice of most celebrity chefs on major network programs-seen in TV infomercials, covered by newspapers and cooking journals, found at state fair and in-home demonstrations. The internet provides a cornucopia of informative articles, user ratings and testimonials (browse search terms like Waterless Cookware principles, fundamentals, characteristics, performance, nonstick, non-toxic for example).

Reasons for today's waterless cooking revival are numerous and important to know. But recognize that waterless cooking is actually old news, a simpler, easier, old-fashioned way of cooking healthy, nutrient-rich, wholesome meals. Flavors that once billowed in the savory air of Grandma's kitchen are being reborn and revisited in kitchens throughout America. For those old enough to remember, baking was once a stove top practice.

What's new today is the way we cook-micro-waved highly processed foods or excessive oils, fats and high heat for frying and broiling-cooking practices requiring nonstick coatings like Teflon® or ceramics that harmfully crack, peel, flake, erode and fume into meals. Today, fresh vegetables are often boiled--70% of nutrient value is then poured down the drain with the waste water.

Waterless cooking retains 98% of vegetable nutrients. We know nature's minerals are the catalysts of health-without a consistent variety of minerals in the diet, vitamins can't be readily absorbed. In Grandma's kitchen, healthful minerals, vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants were plentiful and retained.

Yet even in Grandma's day, there were concerns about nutrition. Dr. Northern and colleagues detailed findings of mineral and vitamin deficiencies in vegetables grown on emerging 'factory farms' in the 1930's (search Document 264 of June 1936 presented on the floor of the United States Senate). Mineral deficient diets are a major contributing factor to 'modern' diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke and depression. Today, childhood diabetes affects one in four children in the USA-one in 50 in 1980, rare in 1930.

If nutritional values were of concern in 1930, imagine what's happened since. USDA findings (see USDA Nutritional Values of Fruits and Vegetables published October 2001) compared 1975 nutrient values of various fresh produce to those of sample 2000 crops (a few comparisons):

Apples-vitamin A down 50% Sweet Peppers-vitamin C down 31% Watercress-iron down 88% Broccoli-calcium and vitamin A down 50% Cauliflower-vitamin C down 45%, B1 down 48%, B2 down 47% Collard Greens-vitamin A down 45%, potassium down 60%, magnesium down 85%

A recent update to the FDA pyramid of a balanced diet now recommends five servings of fruit and vegetable daily-for good reason. Value these precious nutrients by retaining them in meal preparation (search cooking vegetables with waterless cookware for easy, efficient tips).

Critical to a healthy body and mind is a revival of healthy cooking and farming methods. Support local fruit and vegetable growers practicing soil ecology, replenishment and sustainability, choose fruits and veggies in season, scout organic and free range outlets and be informed about the value of waterless cooking and the waterless cookware that makes it possible. We are, after all, only as healthy as what we eat.

Waterless Cookware - The Healthy Cooking Choice

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Saturday, 15 October 2011

Powder Free Latex Gloves Benefits

!±8± Powder Free Latex Gloves Benefits

So, you will soon have a new job and you've just learned that you wear gloves while working for the protection. And not just gloves, you wear latex gloves. Did you know that are used for purposes of protection for almost 100 years? It 'true that latex gloves are used for a variety of applications in the workplace.

Latex gloves provide excellent protection at high risk settings. For example, you can work with patients in the workplace(Execution of tests, the conduct of operations, taking samples, doing lab work, etc..) Or you can in an industrial or laboratory work with chemicals. We know that your first thought is: "How can I be sure that my work?". And that's where we come in: We know, and we know security, personal protective equipment. The best way to protect yourself in this type of approach is to start with the right protection.

Heavy created and its ultra-strong, yet very flexible,this product is made so that you can really grip and hold things. Think about when you see a doctor, nurse or other medical professional working with patients or lab specimens. You will also be properly protected in your own work, when you wear the PPE that is required for the job.

Latex gloves are have the benefit of being more elasticity than other gloves. This is because they are designed to protect you from leaks and seeping. They will also be able to protect you in a multitude of settings and situations. The characteristic of these gloves to have greater elasticity provides for better dexterity and flexibility, which means that you can more readily grip both small and large items securely.

Some styles of are powder-free because some people are allergic to the powder. The powder in gloves is usually cornstarch, which is a strong allergen for many people. With powder-free gloves, you risk no exposure to allergy and you also will not be inhaling powder fumes, which may be harmful to your lungs.Latex gloves have a special coating that allows for you to put on the gloves and take them off (wet or dry) with ease, which makes any work easier. Powdered gloves are also available as some people do prefer this type as they are very easy to get on and off the hands.

Powder-free latex gloves are high quality, very comfortable, reliable and dependable, and they provide superior protection for you. A solid choice for you in your workplace!! Be safe!

Powder Free Latex Gloves Benefits

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Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Nonin Onyx Pulse Oximeter Model 9550 - A Review Of The Nonin Pulse Oximeter

!±8± Nonin Onyx Pulse Oximeter Model 9550 - A Review Of The Nonin Pulse Oximeter

Are you looking for the Nonin Onyx Pulse Oximeter Model 9550? You may be in the health care profession, or you may be someone who needs to check their oxygen levels at home. May people are looking for great prices on these oximeters and I will show you where to get really good deals.

Nonin Onyx Oximeter review.

The Nonin Pulse Oximeter is able to keep track of your oxygen saturation rates, without guessing. It is easy to keep track of rapid or low heart rates and oxygen levels.

This is a great portable system used by many professionals. Many health care professionals recommend the Nonin Oxtimer, as the device is very fast and gives accurate readings of +/- 1 in oxygen saturation. The battery life is very long. The device is small enough to fit in your pocket, but can be slighty bulky due to the battery.

People have found many of the other oximeters available to be less accurate than the Nonin Oximeter. According to reviews other oximeter devices tend to give less accurate, inconsistent, conflicting and erroneous readings.

People also find cheaper devices to be frustrating as they are unable to obtain readings. The Nonin Oximeter has been used against the larger model oximeters by people, and they have found it to be accurate accordingly.

3 Features of this product.
The product has proven accuracy & durability. It is FDA Approved. The device has a simple automatic on/off operation. You will not require additional sensors and this makes the product cost-effective. The product is compact in size, and is small enough to carry at all times.

How do you find a great deal on the Nonin Onyx Pulse Oximeter Model 9550?

If you search for this product online, you will find many stores selling this device. You can find various discounts and coupons as well. Some stores offer free shipping as well.

If you have time on your hands then you can spend the many hours needed to find a store that will give you a good deal or great pice. However, many people do not have that luxury, so the best option is to find someone who has done the time-consuming search, and who has found the great savings online.

Nonin Onyx Pulse Oximeter Model 9550 - A Review Of The Nonin Pulse Oximeter

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Wednesday, 5 October 2011

FDA approves silicone bakeware

!±8± FDA approves silicone bakeware

Silicone is one of the newest materials, the bakeware is made against. Silicon has many advantages over other materials such as aluminum or steel. Silicone bakeware is traditionally very flexible material that enhances durability and makes it much easier to remove the fired material. Silicone bakeware has many other features making it ideal for your cooking needs. Based on the properties of silicone, silicone bakeware can withstand a little 'extremely hot and very cold. It may differ slightly from the heat of the oven in the freezing cold of the freezer to be transferred. Another unique feature is the ability to transfer heat evenly during cooking. The interesting feature can cause problems for the elimination of hot spots and cold spots and baked to provide a baked evenly. The basic set includes a pot, a pan, a pan bunt, a tripod and a rectangular pan. Bakeitbest offers these and other types ofTrays, pots, etc.

Pans and cooking utensils is a staple of well-stocked kitchen. Flexible silicone for easy removal of the finished product as possible without crumbling or sticking to the pan.


Wash before first and after each use, the pot in hot soapy water or dishwasher. Make sure the pan is completely dry. For best results, spray with nonstick cooking spray surface. Always place baking pan in a level of relaxation for the loading and unloadingfrom the refrigerator, oven, or freezer. When cooked, remove from oven and place on cooling grid until completely cooled baked goods are. Cooking time may vary from the traditional metal bakeware and adjustments to the time and temperature may be necessary. To remove baked goods, Ferris wheel and press gently on the ground, while peeling away the pan. Also great for jelly and ice cream molding.

Operation and Maintenance:

Never use abrasive cleaners or scouring pads on the siliconTrays. For use in oven and microwave only. Never used on hot plates, hot plates or under the grill. Always placed on flat trays .. Never use a knife or metal tools on baking trays. Silicone bakeware is heat resistant to 500 degrees F and also keeps the temperature changes, like moving the oven directly from freezer.

FDA approves silicone bakeware

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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Baby Food Grinders - 5 tips before buying one for your child-Check

!±8± Baby Food Grinders - 5 tips before buying one for your child-Check

A meat grinder child is a device that you create delicious healthy meals for your child in the comfort of your kitchen help. But before you go out and buy a food grinder for the little ones, you need to know some special considerations. Let's look at five things you need to check.

1 Check the shelf life.

It 'important to check the length of your baby food grinder view. Some mills are made of stainless steel materials, whileothers are unbreakable plastic. Stainless steel usually have a long life, because they resist breakage and rust, but they are not as easily as plastic ones. Shatterproof plastic food makers are usually made of polysulfone. Polysulfone is usually available on the FDA-approved plastic containers, including baby food mill, because it makes them durable and resistant to high temperatures. Others have a combination of stainless steel and plastic parts.This is to ensure durability, while minimizing the weight of the equipment for easy handling and storage.

2 Check if it's done baby-friendly components.

Many commercially prepared products were recalled by their manufacturers, because they contain toxic materials from PVC. Polyvinyl chloride or PVC is widely used as material in the production of plastic household items, baby products and toys. But the problem with PVC is that some harmful substances to be addedThese make it more flexible and more durable. Some of these chemicals are lead, mercury and phthalates. Dedicated manufacturer of baby products, including food producers and grinders, only non-toxic and safe materials. Check the various models of this device and see if they are free of PVC. This is to ensure that only safe products you get for very little more.

3 Check to see if it is dishwasher safe.

A dishwasher safe meat grinder saves time. This means thatmore time for your child. But it is important to verify that all components of the system to wash the dishwasher are safe. Most plastic parts made of food manufacturers may be subjected to a detergent, but not all plastic food mills are dishwasher safe. On the other hand, electric baby food grinders need special attention when it comes to cleaning the engine and other parts.

4 Check to see if it is under warranty.

Product Warranty guaranteesYour customer's rights. Check if your desired meat grinder for your child is under warranty. This allows you to enjoy all the benefits of the product without worrying about broken or defective components of the system.

5 Check to see if it contains recipes for baby food.

Most food mills of newborns have a meal bowls and spatulas. But another thing you need to check is the intake of baby food recipes. Some manufacturers of grinding machines for the children belong with their recipe booksProducts. Baby food recipes will help you to create varieties of delicious, healthy meals for children. Some even have nutritional value charts to help you control the fuel that is your child at every meal you make.

Baby Food Grinders - 5 tips before buying one for your child-Check

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Saturday, 24 September 2011

The Truth About Home Water Purifier

!±8± The Truth About Home Water Purifier

When was the last time you saw were on the glass of water to drink and asked me what's inside?

Information updated by Ralph Nader Research Institute, the Freedom of Information Act states that "because drinking water contains more than 2,100 U.S. toxic chemicals that cause cancer." Honestly, I was shocked to hear these statistics and began to think seriously about it, you can find more information about one of the home water purifiers.

There are many reasonscompare home water purifiers, if you personally for the well-being. Few people think of the level of contamination in tap water every day. Some of the causes are agricultural runoff and industrial chemicals / household. While the use of synthetic chemicals has improved the comfort and productivity of the company, the cost is for the human body at an incredible price ... our health.

So why not rely on the government to protect our health? Over time, public drinking water qualitygradually reduced. Our government is committed to the problems facing our water consumption of toxic chlorine to turn a blind eye to companies that pollute and ignore the absence of other recent threats to our water supply address.

In addition, here are some facts that may not be aware ...

Americans spend billions on bottled water a year and I think the majority of consumers unknowingly deceived fact that bottled water is healthier and / orsafer for them than tap water, when in fact, that's not true. Tap water is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency, while bottled water as a "food" is standardized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Outrageously, the EPA regulations for tap water of more stringent than the FDA bottled water! This means that you can bottled water, which is unable to acquire consumed as tap water.

They also contain plastics are used to keep the water bottle chemical impuritiesWork the liquid over time, which is known to lead to hormonal problems and cancer. In addition, it is expensive ($ 2 + for a single bottle), begins at ease and immediately after opening the store bacteria. Finally, recycling to leech into the groundwater, which eventually winds up in public water supply.

Why not try to compare different types of filters and their methods?

Consider some filtering systems that reverse osmosis,Carbon, UV rays and even the combination of two or more filters such technologies.

Reverse osmosis (or distilled water) was originally created in the '50s, to remove salt from seawater. This was done by introducing its molecules from one layer / membrane. However, there are disadvantages to this type of filter. Unfortunately, important minerals such as calcium and magnesium are removed during the process. Not something that is very beneficial for a growing child. In addition, forproduce a gallon clean, three are wasted. Activated carbon filters are probably the most common type sold today. While the vessels are relatively inexpensive, the cost to the filters that are not there. Seem to improve the overall taste of tap water, but do not remove the harmful chemicals it contains. Finally, if the hot water through the filter, allowing the carbon to release all prisoners before their waste. UV light has been shown to kill allLive-virus and / or bacteria in drinking water, but not by other substances such as chlorine, lead, asbestos and other harmful chemicals. However, if the company is multi-stage filtration technologies, as used in water purifier home, seems to have a positive impact, which are ultimately all the contaminants listed above (as parasites) are resulting in significant natural trace elements, and thus drinking water to be sure.

Make no mistake about it, as we understand that water controls virtually every aspect of our departure and the welfare of the essential tasks every day, then we can recognize its importance in our lives. Being that it is over 70% of water in the human body, is our main base. But like any other structure, if its components are of poor quality, it is likely that the test of time is certainly weakened.

So do yourself a favor and take the time to compare homeWater filter. If you are really concerned about the health of your family, make sure you invest in a quality product that is above the rest.

The Truth About Home Water Purifier

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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

5 reasons to get a Big whole house water filter

!±8± 5 reasons to get a Big whole house water filter

Make no mistake about it. The whole house water filters are one of the best investments you can make to the health and well-being of your family. And while they may be many reasons for you to convince them to continue to look at a list of quality home water filtration, I would like to condense up to 5 great reasons to have a whole house water filter.

1 The provision of clean, pollutant-free water for your family is the foundation for the promotion of their health and wellbeing.

If you think about itsense. People are about 70% water. Each of our bodily functions, needs clean water to function properly.

The body functions are controlled by the brain. The brain tells the body through the nervous system, sometimes described as "elaborate system of small streams."

Because the brain to communicate clearly and concisely to the rest of the body, these small waterways managed by properly hydrated and free ofImpurities such as synthetic chemicals and heavy metals such as lead. Might otherwise alter these vital messages that come from the brain.

A whole house water filter can be with your family all clean, healthy water they need, when they want it.

2 Conventional water treatment technologies, such as adding chlorine and other chemicals that are used by our local communities have serious drawbacks.

Historically, chlorine has been theCleaning method of choice because its already inexpensive and easy to obtain. And it does purify our water systems. But in addition to the removal of impurities, but also eliminates the vitamin E and other fatty acids critical.

The chlorine in water at home was also found a washout effect when in contact with home plumbing pipes. Heavy metals like lead and copper can leach into the water through the pipes.

A whole house water filter purifies water at the source of soThe corrosive contaminants are not introduced into the tubes. Also filters out chlorine, bad tastes, odors, lead, other heavy metals and volatile organic compounds (volatile organic compounds). And it's natural minerals for best taste and better health.

3 Bottled water has shown that no safer than tap water.

Bottled water companies have been Lulling consumers into a false sense of security with its implied promise of crystal-stream purity. The clever marketing strategy to put anice picture of a waterfall, and stumbles on minerals including "spring" word on each bottle has recently prompted the FDA to support companies that market ,"..., mineral water safer than tap water scam the American public ".

Bottled water is also one of the most polluting industries in the United States produces more than 60 million plastic bottles, transported and disposed of every day in the U.S. alone!

Install a whole house water filter meansProvide your family with really clean, safe, good tasting water without the negative effects on the environment and dispose of all those empty plastic bottles easily.

4 Clean, healthy drinking water is not your only consideration.

The consumption of unsafe drinking water is the only way to use water in our body. Clean water and healthy is also necessary for the food that we cook and the water bath and shower

With a whole house water filter, your, all your bases. Theeasily connect to the main water line entering the house, so that all water supplies - is to provide facilities, toilets, bathtubs, showers, washing machines, etc. safe, pure water.

5 Overall quality home water filters are filtering by far the most economical and easier to clean and the water.

Bottled water costs from $ 1 to $ 4 a gallon and the quality of bottled water is at best an unknown.

For less than 50 cents a day, a whole house water filter systemYou and your family with water that is really healthy and good tasting.

So now that you know all this, what is your next step?

My recommendation is to be a consumer good and some basic research around the best home water filter that the needs of you and your family gathers. As a starting point for a whole house water filter that uses a multi-stage filtration aspect. This will ensure you are able chlorine, lead and VOCs (volatile organic compoundsChemicals).

Oh ... and as an added bonus, the water is that your home will leave and go back into the drains free from chemicals and bacteria to protect the environment even more.

Install a whole house water filter is a great investment for the future health and well-being of your family as well, your community.

5 reasons to get a Big whole house water filter

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Saturday, 17 September 2011

Tips for safe water purification

!±8± Tips for safe water purification

So, you're already thinking, water purification could be a good thing? Well, I think you're on your way!

You're going to want at least a little 'to learn, right? Especially if you consider the purchase of a home water filters. There are a number of good water filter on the market, but some are unfortunately not as good as they want you to believe. Here you can get an idea of ​​what to look for and what to avoid.

If you live in a community with amunicipal water system, then your tap water through a series of various "purification" processes. Of course, some structures are better than others and some are much more honest in their dealings with others. The bottom line is, after the water had been carried out by municipal water treatment plant waste is, there is still a lot of pollutants in tap water on the left, regardless of the methods of the device can be used to " clean up "your water.

One of the biggest problems with the water is caused bytreatment plant for municipal wastewater. Most wastewater treatment plants to disinfect water with chlorine. Chlorine has happened to kill most bacteria that reside in your water. But, and this is a big "but" Numerous studies have shown that chlorine is not even safe for human consumption. This is known to cause cancer!

You need a water filter with a charcoal filter to remove chlorine from water. The effectiveness of the activated carbon filter water varies. The percentage ofChlorine in the 75-99 range better systems. To find out how much your chlorine water filter is removed, you should see a board certified performance data.

The manufacturer shall provide a performance data along with other information about the product, but depending on where the physical location of the property is located, can not be forced to provide this information. The purchase of a water treatment plant, which does not provide a given performance certifiedGazette, relies open for disappointment.

Another big problem is not addressed by the bacterial contamination treatment plant. During the different stages of their life, bacteria, parasites and other microorganisms are so small they are called cysts.

The FDA maintains there is no feasible way to detect cysts in the public supply of drinking water. Even the best water treatment plants do not always remove. Therefore, the use of chlorine. Chlorine is able to killMost of them, but it is particularly resistant to chlorine and who are very sick or even kill. And, as already mentioned, the chlorine is in itself a health hazard.

The only solution is a water conditioner with a phase of microns, which are designed to remove cysts from water. Thus the importance of the position to be certified product data sheet performance will be checked before buying. Some water filters remove 99.99% of cysts from the water, whileOther Remove zip, zero, nothing. You do not need a water filter that this nasty little cysts removed? Yes, me too!

Other pollutants that you want to be sure, is to remove lead, THMs, VOCs, lindane, alachlor, atrazine, benzene, TCE and MTBE. Some water filters to remove them all. But then again, others do not. Go figure?

In short, things are really looking for when comparing water purifiers, carbon filters, micron and certifiedPerformance data.

And there are some things you want to avoid. The first is the most popular method of reverse osmosis water treatment. And 'expensive and wasted water. It also eliminates the mineral beneficial and healthy, even if harmful lead and chlorine. To prevent the other process are distillers. These remove the mineral water and soothing, while the chemical contamination. Also removes beneficial minerals, but not chemical. With these twoSystems is the taste of water less desirable.

If you are in an area where the water has a high mineral content, which people often referred to as hard water, you might think that removing the minerals to be preferred. However, research has shown that drinking de-mineralized water is not healthy. What you are looking for multi-stage water filter that will include a system of ion exchange. These systems are able to balance the mineral content so that more palatable, without stripping it of all simplehealthy mineral content.

With all the other contaminants, chemicals and pollution we are exposed to on a daily basis, you can at least before your family with healthy, clean water! You have the power!

Tips for safe water purification

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Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Microwave - a great invention of the century!

!±8± Microwave - a great invention of the century!

These days one of the most common microwave devices, which has every kitchen, but when it comes to their own is what everyone is committed, confused, as there are many types to choose from. Without doubt it is one of those devices that have been approved quickly by modern society. A widespread use of IT is the result of its usefulness and convenience. It 'really a great invention of this century for all of us. It 'a fact that a microwave oven is easy to use and makes life easierand smooth.

Today, 92% of Americans with microwaves in their preparation of meals and all other parts of the world, because he compared a lot of energy efficient and more comfortable than conventional ovens. Apart from convenience, you can use only saves energy and time. Would not it be wrong to say that in today's world for most of us think of life without a stove is impossible. Most of us use it for two purposes, one is to make more as an auxiliary tool for useHome Cooking and secondly, to use it as the main method of cooking. So, no matter how we use it, but trust is widely distributed in the microwave world, and has become an absolute necessity in every kitchen today.

Conventional ovens are hotter than an oven and can sometimes be the root cause of an accident. On the other hand, the microwave is not as hot as conventional oven and the introduction of high technology that they are much safer and more convenient. Today, commercialOvens have a timer and buzzer installed. If time has expired and the buzzer starts ringing, the oven will turn off lights. There are many advantages and safety features, which makes it more reliable and efficient.

When you cook the food in a conventional oven will lose our food less nutritious and the true taste of the food while the food is cooked in the microwave very tasty and nutritious. Retains ownership of our food and we get a nutritious meal. IfYou go to buy a new microwave oven, you must ensure that the oven emits harmful radiation dose according to FDA (Food and Drug Administration.

Administration) and CDRH (Center for Devices and Radiological Health) standards. You should buy one brand of microwave source allegedly to avoid future problems in depth.

Microwave - a great invention of the century!

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